British Convicts Transported to Australia, Annually by Sex, 1787-1867

British convicts transported to Australia, annually by sex, 1787-1867. Roster of transportation voyages, including ship name, ship characteristics, departure and arrival dates, departure place, destination, embarked convicts, and landed convicts. With data on transported convicts ages and length of transportation sentences.

Prisoner Sex Ratio in Australia Since 1858

The male-female prisoner ratio rose from 5 in the 19th century to 42 in mid-1970s. Scholars then naturalized highly disproportionate male imprisonment.

Punishment Prevalence Yearly by Sex in Australia from 1858

Prisoners and executions yearly by sex in Australia from 1858, aggregated to punishment per 100,000 of population (punishment prevalence), with sex ratio of punishment and punishment distribution (% absent from execution and % from being in prison).

Executions Yearly by Sex in Australia from 1819

Penal executions in Australia, by year, sex, and state/territory, 1819-1967. Compares statistics from Source Book of Australian criminal & social statistics to those compiled from the Schrepper-Clark list.

Prisoners Yearly by Sex in Australia from 1858

Average daily number of prisoners in Australia yearly by from 1858, with subtotals for states and territories. Prisoner sex ratios, adjusted for population sex ratios, and prisoners per 100,000 of overall population.