British convicts transported to Australia, annually by sex, 1787-1867. Roster of transportation voyages, including ship name, ship characteristics, departure and arrival dates, departure place, destination, embarked convicts, and landed convicts. With data on transported convicts ages and length of transportation sentences.
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No convicts were transported after 1867. Before 1776, British convicts were transported to America.
Dataset sheets:
- by year: convicts transported on UK ships to Australia, annually by 1787-1867
- voyages: ship voyages transporting convicts from Britain to Australia, 1787-1867, with departure place, primary destination, ship name, year ship built, place ship built, ship weight (tons), departure-year, departure-month, departure-day, arrival-year, arrival-month, arrival-day, trip length (days), convicts embarked-males, embarked-females, landed-males, landed-females
- 1st fleet landings: estimated landings of convicts by sex for the First Convict Fleet sent to Australia
- Bateson check: check of voyages annual convict transported totals by sex against Bateson totals
- Shaw check: check of voyages annual convict transported totals by sex against Shaw totals
- Scottish convicts: Scottish convicts transported to Australia, annually by sex 1786-1857
- sentenced from Old Bailey: convicts sentenced to transportation from Old Bailey, annually by sex, 1781-1858
- convict characteristics: ages and sentence lengths of convicts transported to Australia
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