Emergency shelter, transitional housing, non-residential services for victims of domestic violence in US, by gender of victim served.
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Dataset sheets:
- victims helped summary: Emergency shelter, transitional housing, non-residential services for domestic-violence victims by gender in US, 2006; similar data for North Carolina, 2002-3; share of domestic-violence victims receiving help from agencies other than the police, nationally 1992-2005, with comparison of 1992-2000 to 2001-2005
- victims helped detail: details of tabulated domestic-violence victims helped from NCVS data
- NCVS setup: variable definitions for replicating tabulation of NCVS, 1992-20054, agency help for victims of domestic violence
- all serious violence: BJS source table, Use of Victim Service Agencies by Victims of Serious Violent Crime, 1993-2009 (with added red highlighting)
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