Serious Injuries from Domestic Violence, Intimate-Partner Violence & Other Violence

face of a prisoner

Injury-related visits to hospital emergency departments, by sex and by categories intimate-partner violence, domestic violence, all violence, and all injuries, U.S annually 1994, 2001, and 2008, with comparisons of major public data sources.

Dataset sheets:

  • injury summary: injury-related visits to hospital emergency departments, by men and women cross-tabulated by intimate-partner violence, domestic violence, all violence, and all injuries, U.S annually 1994, 2001, and 2008; based on SIVV (for 1994) and NEISS (subsequently), with comparison to NCVS counts
  • SIVV 1994 details: violent injuries (visits to hospital emergency departments) cross-tabulated by sex and perpetrator-victim relation, from Study of Injured Victims of Violence (SIVV), 1994
  • NCVS 1995-04 details: victimizations resulting in hospital emergency department visit by sex cross-tabulated with perpetrator categories, with groupings for intimate-partner violence and domestic violence, National Crime Victimization Surveys (NCVS), 1995-2004
  • NCVS 1995-04 setup: data setup of source file for replicating tabulations
  • NEISS 2001 details: detailed documentation for estimating perpetrator categories of violent injury in NEISS 2001
  • NEISS 2008 details: detailed documentation for estimating perpetrator categories of violent injury in NEISS 2001
  • NVAWS details: documentation of biased perpetrator categorization in NVAWS, with under-reported on multiple perpetrators relative to NCVS
  • perpetrator categories: list of perpetrator categories used in NEISS, NCVS, and NVAWS, with perpetrator category crosswalk for intimate-partner violence, domestic violence, and other violence

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