Homicides, suicides, and occupational fatalities by sex annually in U.S. from about 1980 to 2010, with homicide victims categorized by relationship to offender and intimate-partner homicides.
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Dataset sheets:
- homicide victims: homicide victims annually in the U.S., 1980-2011, by sex and victim-offender relationship, including intimate-partner homicides
- suicide & IP homicide: suicides per intimate-partner homicide and sex ratios for suicides and intimate-partner homicides
- occupational fatalities: fatal occupational injuries (workplace fatalities) by sex, US annually 1992-2012
- occupational pre-1992: deaths from all work accidents, US annually 1933-1977
- intimate compare: Comparison of different U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics reporting of intimate-partner homicides, by sex annually 1976-2008
- intimate homicide BJS07: murders and nonnegligent manslaughters by intimates of the victims, by sex and race of victim, and victim-offender relationship, United States, 1976-2005, as reported in U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Homicide Trends in the United States (2007).
- victim reporting BJS11: BJS (2011), Homicide Trends in United States, Appendix Table 24_weighted. Relationship of victim to offender, 1980-2008–WEIGHTED
- victim reporting BJS11: BJS (2011), Homicide Trends in United States,Figure 26. Homicides of intimates, by sex of victim, 1980-2008 (underlying data)
- suicide counts: suicides by sex and year, US 1980-2010; NCHS data
- suicide NCHS table: source table
- suicide pre-1980: suicides in the U.S. annually by sex, 1950-1976
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