For persons executed under the death penalty in Texas, 1982-2007, name, age, sex, race, date of execution, county, final statement, last meal.
This dataset covers persons executed under law in Texas from Dec. 7, 1982 to Sept. 25, 2007. All the information is as made public on the web by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). Here’s information on more recent Texas executions. For structured data that includes information about the victims of the persons executed, see Wikipedia’s compilation of persons executed in Texas.
To avoid sensationalizing persons who were executed, please refer to the specific statements and meals by execution number. The friends and families of the persons executed knew them personally by name. You cannot know these persons well merely by this dataset. The dataset has been compiled to further public consideration of communication with prisoners. Other uses of these data have been sensational in a way typical of competition for attention.
Dataset sheets:
- final statements & last meals: name, age, sex, race, date of execution, county, final statement, last meal for persons executed in Texas from Dec. 7, 1982 to Sept. 25, 2007
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