Restraining Orders and Domestic Violence in the U.S.

face of a prisoner

National estimates of domestic-violence restraining orders issued and active by type for the U.S. about 2008, accounting for restraining orders issued for civil petitions and restraining orders resulting from criminal proceedings. With U.S. national estimate of arrests for domestic violence.

“Restraining order” as used in this dataset is synonymous with “protective order” and “order of protection.” From about 1990, restraining orders typically have been renamed and redescribed as “protective orders” or “orders of protection.” Protective order and order of protection are periphrastic terms. Restraining / protective orders legally restrain a person’s freedom to communicate, restrain her liberty to be with her children, restrain her intimate relations, and restrain her ability to use her property, including live in her house. To the extent that the restrained person obeys the restraining order, the restraining order protects the designated victim, in specific ways, against the restrained person.

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