Hanway’s Solitude in Imprisonment
With his book, Solitude in Imprisonment, Hanway made a large push for public attention with a much greater focus than his previous efforts.
With his book, Solitude in Imprisonment, Hanway made a large push for public attention with a much greater focus than his previous efforts.
Hanway wrote with a keen sense for attracting public attention, and later, for influencing public policy.
Jonas Hanway challenged oppressive gender norms and helped to break down the barriers against men using umbrellas.
That prisons served as “seats,” “schools,” and “seminaries” of vice and crime was a central concern of prominent eighteenth-century English reformers.
The Greek evil-communication phrase originated in classical Athens, was used by Greco-Roman authors and Paul of Tarsus, and analyzed by Latin patristic writers.
Ovid, almost surely writing with knowledge and experience of the full corpus of Menander’s works, noted four enduring, common characters in Menander.
Sex in ancient Greece took a wide range of transactional forms.
Ancient para-textual material (Euthalian material) attribute the evil-communication phrase (1 Corinthians 15:33) to Menander’s play Thais.
Where to find English translations of surviving fragments of Menander’s Thais.
According to a rhetorically and sexually sophisticated account in Diodorus of Sicily, Thais seduced Alexander and his men into burning Persepolis.