Prisoners (including jail inmates) by sex in the U.S. from 1900, from decennial census prisoner data, adjusted for comparability, with additional Bureau of Justice Statistics yearly prisoner counts.
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Dataset sheets:
- summary: national prisoner totals (including jail inmates) by sex for decennial census years, with calculated sex ratios
- sex-race 2006: prisoners (including jail inmates) by sex and race/ethnicity (white, black, Hispanic) in 2006, with separate categorizations of prisoners and jail inmates for nearby years
- fed-state from 1925: Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) annual series for federal and state prisoners by sex, 1925-1973 is sentenced prisoners, yearly from 1973, all prisoners. With calculated sex ratios.
- jails from 1983: BJS one-day jail inmate population counts yearly from 1983, with calculated sex ratios
- fs sentenced: federal and state prisoners by sentencing status, 1974-2010
- fs jurisdiction: custody status and location of prisoners under federal and state jurisdiction
- fs 1925-2001 source: BJS source table for federal and State Prisoners by Jurisdiction and Sex
- federal 1896-1940: federal prisoner counts yearly, from BJS, Federal Offenders
- fs sources from 1925: additional table table concerning BJS annual series for federal and state prisoners
- jail source from 1980: additional source data tables on prisoners (inmates) in jails
- 1970-2010, 1940-1960, 1933, 1933 county& city, 1917-23, 1910, 1904, 1904 jails: sheets compiling national census data on prisoners for the indicated years
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