Prisoners in England and Wales in 1830

face of a prisoner

Debtors, criminals, and prisoners in hulks by sex for individual prisons in England & Wales in 1830. Commitments, untried prisoners, greatest number of prisoners at one time. From prison inspectors reports.

Dataset sheets:

  • summary & estimates: debtors, criminals, prisoners in hulks by sex for England and Wales
  • prisons 1830 ga: individual prison records for prisons included under the Gaol Act. Record fields are county, place, prison type, in custody, (debtors, misdemeanors, felons, tried, untried, under 17, above 17) by sex, commitments, greatest number in prison at one time.
  • prisons 1830 nga: individual prison records for prisons NOT included under the Gaol Act. Record fields are county, place, institution type, committed, greatest number, (criminals committed, debtors committed, greatest number of criminals, greatest number of debtors) by sex.

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