Violent-injury-related hospital emergency department visits by sex (NEISS estimates) compared to police-reported violent victimizations with serious injury by sex (NEISS compared to NIBRS), in U.S. in 2010, with comparisons of magnitudes and sex ratios.
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Dataset sheets:
- victimization, criminalization: violent-injury-related hospital emergency department visits by sex (NEISS estimate) compared to police-reported violent victimizations with serious injury by sex, and police-reported violent victimizations without serious injury by sex (NIBRS estimates) in U.S. in 2010, with comparisons of magnitudes and sex ratios, with details of NIBRS scaling to national coverage
- police-designated victims: victims of violence reported by police by extent of physical injury to victim, NIBRS 2010, details of tabulations
- variable coding: coding violent victimizations (vvcode) and injuries to victim (serinj) from NIBRS 2010 victim extract file; to support replication of tabulations
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