National estimate of all domestic violence (DV) arrests in the U.S. in 2010, based mainly in NIBRS data, with DV arrest share in arrests for violence. Data on domestic-violence incidents and incident characteristics associated with arrest, with additional data on violent arrest prevalence and assault arrest trends.
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Dataset sheets:
- national DV arrests: national estimate of domestic violence(DV) arrests in the U.S., 2010. Based on NIBRS reporting, adjusted for NIBRS reporting coverage, of domestic violence arrest share in all arrests for violence, and UCR data for all arrests for violence.
- UCR arrests: arrests reported in US under Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), 2010. Focus on total violent arrests, scaled for UCR reporting coverage
- NIBRS 2010 all incidents: police-reported domestic violence incidents and arrests, NIBRS 2010, showing arrest rate (share of incidents resulting in arrest) for domestic violence incidents
- arrest circumstances: offender weapons and victim injuries in domestic violence arrest incidents
- arrest prevalence: over-all arrest prevalence by sex and race/ethnicity at age 23, estimated from National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
- arrests by sex & relationship: Arrestee sex by victim-offender relationship, from NIBRS data for 2000
- assault arrest trend: assault arrests yearly by sex, 1980-2011, with assault arrests per 1000 persons. Based on UCR data.
- arrest trend model: model partitioning US assault arrests, 1980-2011, between DV and non-DV arrests
- NIBRS high-coverage states: domestic violence arrests (DV arrest share in all arrests for interpersonal violence and DV arrest sex ratio) in states with 95% or more crime reported according to NIBRS, 2010
- alt. state-specific: domestic-violence arrests and all arrests for violence in 2010, based on state crime-reporting publications
- processing & codes defs: code for processing of NIBRS 2010 source dataset to replicate statistics
- NIBRS reporting Feb 2008: NIBRS agency reporting coverage by state, 2008
- NIBRS jurisdiction pops: police jurisdictions covering more than 100,000 persons and reporting to NIBRS in 2010
- UCR tabulated v. published: comparison of FBI reported vs. custom tabulated UCR arrest data for 2010
- UCR all other offense arrests: UCR “all other offense” arrest category share by jurisdiction size, 2010
- census cities pop: US Census data on city population sizes, 2010
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