Incarceration implications (estimated magnitude and sex distribution) of prominently reported, U.S. national estimates of the extent of rape victimization about the year 2005, with estimated deterrent effect on rape victimization.
Criminalization and personally felt sexual victimization are commonly conflated. At the same time, claims about the extent of criminal victimization are commonly made without considering implied effects on incarceration. Shifts in domestic violence policy in the late twentieth century are associated with the rise of mass incarceration. Broader, more aggressive criminalization of sexual activity could have a similar, additional effect. This dataset estimates incarceration implications (magnitude and sex distribution) of prominently reported, U.S. national estimates of the extent of rape victimization.
The data and parameters are for the U.S. in the mid-2000s. The workbook includes a time series for FBI Uniform Crime reporting of forcible rapes known to the policy annually from 1960, and rape and rape/sexual assault victimizations as estimated annually by the National Crime Victimization Survey from 1973. The workbook also includes available data on the number of victims, offenders, and overall population demographics.
Data for the sex of sex-crime offenders is based on operational U.S. criminal justice statistics. In the U.S., about 97% of persons convicted of sex crimes are men. Survey data from England indicates that 3% of adult men are victims of non-consensual sex. Perpetrators of those acts are roughly 50% women. In the U.S., about 1.3 million men per year made to penetrate sexually another persons.^ Such sexual victimization come within commonly used definitions of rape or rape/sexual assault. However, sexual victimization of men attracts little public concern. Operational statistics for the criminal justice system indicate its actual, gender-biased functioning. Compared to broader, more aggressive criminalization of domestic violence, broader, more aggressive criminalization of sexual activity is more likely to rise the ratio of men in prison per woman in prison.
Dataset sheets:
- victimization-criminalization: quantitative model of additional number of persons in prison by sex from criminalization according sexual victimization claims, US about 2005, with parametrized effects on sexual victimization by sex
- inmate victimization: sexual victimization claims among the U.S. adult inmate population about 2008, by sex, separated by inmate-on-inmate sexual victimization and staff-on-inmate sexual victimization.
- non-inmate victimization: victimization by sex reported in surveys of sexual victimization in the US among the non-inmate population, distinguishing between prominently reported sexual victimization and obscured sexual victimization
- rape variance: variance in official U.S. rape/sexual assault estimates, estimated relative to 1992 base year
- rape time-series: rape / sexual assault statistics annually by sex for U.S. from 1960 to 2010
- victims other data, offenders other data, population by age 2005, college enrollment 1970-2005: sheets with source data tables used in the victimization-criminalization model
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