Comparative National Statistical Interest in Executions
Relatively late development of US execution statistics reflects a US history of decentralized, relatively informal punishment by death.
Relatively late development of US execution statistics reflects a US history of decentralized, relatively informal punishment by death.
Prisoners, banishments (transportation), and executions yearly by sex in England & Wales from 1715, aggregated to punishment per 100,000 of population (punishment prevalence), with sex ratio of punishment and punishment distribution (% absent from execution, % absent from being transported, and % absent from being in prison).
Punishment sentences by category and subcategory, yearly by sex, for cases in the Old Bailey court, London, from 1674-1913. Counts are of persons sentenced to specified punishments.
Clark-Mossop execution statistics are a significant improvement in historical statistics for executions in England and Wales.
Penal executions in England and Wales before 1800, by year and by sex. Includes data by region.
Persons executed under death penalty, by year and by sex in London area (London and Middlesex). Includes data on sentences, reprieves, and execution type (hanging and burning).
Persons executed, by year and by sex in England and Wales from 1800. Year summary counts and person-specific data indicating place and date of execution and age of person.
Convicts transported to America, 1716-1775, totals by year and sex. Convicts transported from London, Middlesex, and the Home Counties by voyage, totaled and scaled up to England and Wales and separated by sex.
British convicts transported to Australia, annually by sex, 1787-1867. Roster of transportation voyages, including ship name, ship characteristics, departure and arrival dates, departure place, destination, embarked convicts, and landed convicts. With data on transported convicts ages and length of transportation sentences.
Long-run data on prisoner counts by sex. Prisoners distinguished as debtors and criminals, prisoners held in local prisons and convict prisons, including hulks. Yearly data on prison commitments by sex, 1905-1892.