Restraining Orders and Domestic Violence in the U.S.

National estimates of domestic-violence restraining orders issued and active by type for the U.S. about 2008, accounting for restraining orders issued for civil petitions and restraining orders resulting from criminal proceedings. With U.S. national estimate of arrests for domestic violence.

Jail Inmates’ Experiences of Restraining Orders, U.S. 2002

Jail inmates under restraining order at commitment to jail, ever under restraining order, relational categories of persons who sought restraining orders, inmates committed to jail with violation of restraining order, and ever committed to jail with violation of restraining order.

Restraining Orders and Domestic Violence in Alaska

Petitions for intimate-partner restraining orders, by type and case disposition, domestic-violence assaults reported to Alaska State Troopers, by incident characteristics, and criminal justice system processing of domestic violence cases.

Restraining Orders and Domestic Violence in California

Domestic-violence-related justice system activity in California. Domestic violence calls to police, arrests for domestic violence, family law petitions, petitions for restraining orders, yearly from about 1990, with county-level data.

Restraining Orders and Domestic Violence in Connecticut

Restraining orders annually, 2009-2012, by ex parte or order after hearing; arrests for family violence annually by sex and by single / multiple arrests and as share of all arrests, characteristics of family violence arrests, inc. restraining order, weapon, and injury, domestic-violence deaths, including murder suicides.