A manifest of ortext dataset hosting locations in a spreadsheet form convenient for modifying and updating.
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Dataset sheets:
- readme: describes how to use the spreadsheet to updates dataset hosting locations. Here’s a human-readable list of the datasets in this ortext, and here’s more information about how datalinks work.
- manifest: sheet to be saved in csv format and imported into WordPress
- google sheets, google excel, google, google openoffice: dataset workbook hosting on google drive in different forms. List of dataset workbook keys with corresponding labels and hosting locations. The hosting locations were generated with the Google Drive folder listing script and some minor editing of the URL paramaters.
- local hosting: List of dataset workbook keys with corresponding labels and hosting locations. Use this sheet to construct and paste multiple formats and hosting locations into the manifest sheet when you are working with the simple file names.
- construct additional: dataset links for additional datsets not in the form of spreadsheets. Change/update these and paste over the corresponding lines in the sheet manifest.
- canonical labels: table of canonical labels, ordering, and label expansions. To add to this table, you need only make a simple modification in code.
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