Reference point: v. 11, p. 52 (quoting Thomas de Quincey, On the Poetry of Pope (1848)
reference-type: Book
author: Masson, David
year: 1968
title: The collected writings of Thomas de Quincey
place-published: New York,
publisher: AMS Press
edition: New and enl.
note: by David Masson. Edinburgh, A. and C. Black, 1889-90. illus. 23 cm. v. 1. Autobiography from 1785 to 1803.–v. 2. Autobiography and literary reminiscences.–v. 3. London reminiscences, and Confessions of an opium-eater.–v. 4-5. Biographies and biographic sketches.–v. 6-7. Historical essays and researches.–v. 8. Speculative and theological essays.–v. 9. Political economy and politics.–v. 10-11. Literary theory and criticism.–v. 12. Tales and romances.–v. 13. Tales and prose phantasies.–v. 14. Miscellanea and index.
pages: 14 v.
otx-key: Masson-1968